Minggu, 29 November 2009

Child Mass Services to Molech

Child Mass Services to Molech

Pictured here is the half man half horned animal god known as Molech. December 25th was the day that this deity required that children were sacrificed on the altar to him! Why December 25th? Because this is known in paganism as "the winter solstice" and it is supposedly the best time to offer up babies to Satan because the sun is being "reborn." Satan wants to be the brightest star in the solar system, and he wants to be called "The Sun" even though Malachi prophesied about our Messiah Yeshua, that he is "the Sun of Righteousness."

People would make a "wish list" for Molech and then they would place their babies to be burned alive into the arms of this god Molech along with their wish list, and they believed that by offering up their babies to this god on December 25th, they would receive everything that they had requested on their wish list in the year to come.

The image of Molech was a giant statue made of iron. Underneath this image was an oven, and it was stoked with wood until it became bright red. The image resembled today's modern day "Satan Claws" (Santa Clause) and people are still "offering up their children" to Molech the god of prosperity and materialism when they ignorantly allow their children to sit on the lap of the image of Santa/Satan.

The word "mass" in English comes from a Latin word that is defined as follows: "a considerable assemblage, number, or quantity: a mass of troops,the masses, the ordinary or common people as a whole; the working classes or the lower social classes." The word later on became associated with "mass murder" as in "massacre." Hence the word "mass" is applied as follows: "pertaining to, involving, or affecting a large number of people: mass unemployment; mass migrations; mass murder."

How did we derive the term "Christ Mass"? It stems from the perpetual sacrifice of our Messiah Yeshua supposedly at every Catholic "Mass":

"Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches. The sacrament of the Eucharist."

Every time we say "Merry Christ Mass" we are declaring that we are "Merry" about the "Mass Murder" of our Messiah on millions of altars in Catholic Churches across the globe on a daily basis! Roman Catholicism teaches that Jesus/Yeshua must be crucified over and over again daily at each and every Mass. They teach that his once and for all sacrifice on the cross was not sufficient to atone for sin!

This very same Babylonian religion originated at the Tower of Babel, and was carried over into other cultures under different names. In Egypt she was known as Isis, Queen of Heaven and Tammuz was known as Horus. Nimrod was known as Seb.

The Egyptian priests placed these initials I H S of the pagan trinity (Isis, Horus & Seb) on a round wafer to commemorate the sun god and they ate it each year on December 25th believing that the sun god was being reincarnated in them as they ate this wafer god. They re-enacted the death of Nimrod on a "tree" on March 25th (Easter) and believed he would be reincarnated on December 25th. This re-enactment was called a “Mass” or Massacre.

Today, these same initials of I H S appear on the Catholic Eucharist Wafer. The Catholic Catechism teaches that the priest has the power to pull Christ down from his throne and crucify him again and again at each Mass. The Catechism states concerning Christ:

“At each mass, he performs the function of the victim anew...”

The Catholic Trinity secretly disguises a different trinity than what most Christians believe in:

The Pope as the “Holy Father”, Jesus as the pagan sun god (reincarnation of Tammuz), and Mary as the Holy Spirit, hence Isis (Mary) Horus (Jesus) Seb (Pope/Father).

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